Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Con Queso?

My family is enamored by traveling and exploration. My mother, father, brother and I have found how receptive other cultures are to our insatiable curiosity. From Argentina to Greece my family has created some memorable events. One of my favorites however was when we were in a Costa Rican souvenir shop and my father found a handful of items he wanted to purchase.

Not knowing the Spanish language very well, but also wanting to make an effort he brought a coconut, a seashell and a necklace up to the counter and inquiring their price he asked; “Con Queso?” The cashier looked at him in bewilderment, laughed and asked “Que tipo?”

“Does he want a tip?” My dad asked.
“No,” I replied, “you just asked for your souvenirs with cheese. What kind do you want?”

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